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Artificial Intelligence app to predict meningioma survival

Researchers recently published a study that shows proof of concept for how artificial intelligence can help doctors and brain tumor patients predicting survival and help make better treatment decisions. This study is published in Nature partner journal Digital Medicine. They also developed an open-source smartphone app to allow clinicians and other researchers to interactively explore the predictive algorithms described in the paper.

In this study, researchers from The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) and the Montreal Children’s Hospital of the McGill University Health Centre trained machine learning algorithms on data from more than 62,000 patients with a meningioma. Their goal was to find statistical associations between malignancy, survival, and a series of basic clinical variables including tumor size, tumor location, and surgical procedure. While the study demonstrated that the models could effectively predict outcomes in individual patients, the researchers emphasized the need for further refinements using larger sets that include brain imaging and molecular data.

More posts about medical apps at this link.

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