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Substance use disorders

Substance use disorders (SUDs) represent a complex group of conditions characterized by the problematic use of addictive substances, such as alcohol, drugs, or prescription medication. These disorders can significantly impair an individual’s ability to function in daily life and are often marked by an intense and sometimes uncontrollable craving for the substance, alongside a persistent use despite clear harm to health, relationships, and responsibilities. Substance use disorders (SUDs) can lead to a range of physical, psychological, and social problems, including chronic health issues, mental health disorders, and difficulties in personal and professional relationships. The development of Substance use disorders (SUDs) involves a mix of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors, making some individuals more susceptible than others. Treatment for substance use disorders typically consists of a combination of medical, psychological, and support group interventions tailored to the individual’s specific needs. Addressing these disorders requires a holistic and compassionate approach, recognizing the complexity of the condition and the importance of sustained support and care in recovery.

Substance use disorders

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